Thursday, June 24, 2021

The Notebook: Conclusion

 Welcome to the Notebook series.  These are stories from my time abroad, each connected to one main take-away that I learned during those years.

Read the preceding Notebook posts here: INTRO // 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 // 9 // 10 // 11 // 12

This post contains the conclusion to the Notebook series.

Reading time: 4 minutes



As I descend into Los Angeles International Airport and feel the butterflies in my stomach that come with returning home after 2 years, I conclude my time in this notebook with you.  This project truly helped me so much to navigate the last 42 hours of travel, and the first 42 hours without my love/outside of my dear Nepal.  This new chapter promises to be a fascinating adventure.  I am so excited that we get to embark on this journey together.


Tears from departing...

...and tears from arriving, the moment I touched down in Los Angeles.  Happy, sad, and every emotion in between.


✅ 1. J hunchha ramro ko lagi hunchha (All that will be, will be for good)
✅ 2. Nothing is in our control except for how we respond
✅ 3. Plans are illusory - and can cloud your vision
✅ 4. The present moment is the only reality
✅ 5. Our minds create our lives
✅ 6. Everything and everyone are connected in more ways than we can ever understand
✅ 7. Compassion is the key to happiness
✅ 8. If we were in other people's shoes, we would be doing exactly what they are, because then we would be them
✅ 9. Everyone and everything are impermanent
✅ 10. True joy comes from inner wisdom, not from following what you think others want you to do
✅ 11. Whatever we go through is not personal, not permanent, and has good in it
✅ 12. Enjoy the present.  It is all that we have.

Thank you so much for following along this series.  I had so much fun inviting you into my post-living abroad travel notebook.  As for the future, we know by now that plans are illusory, but I do know that I fully intend to have more adventures, in Nepal and beyond.

Stay tuned...


Due to the popularity of the Notebook Series, I have created another series set to begin next week!  Posts will continue to go up on Mondays and Thursdays.  If you would like to receive emails to be notified of new posts, sign up here.  (NOTE: if you already receive emails for the Notebook posts, you will automatically receive emails for future posts, no need to sign up again.)

The topic of the next series, you ask?

"Leaving Nepal".

This series contains 6 instalments of my journey from the Nepali village to Dubai to Los Angeles.  See you on Monday for the first post!

Saying goodbye, and thank you, to "The Notebook."

So much love, from home.

(P.S. If you have any questions for me about my time abroad and would like me to write a post about it, leave a comment below and let me know!)


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