Monday, May 24, 2021

The Notebook 4: It's All Here, Now

Welcome to the Notebook series.  These are stories from my time abroad, each connected to one main take-away that I learned during those years.

Read the preceding Notebook posts here: INTRO // 1 // 2 // 3

This post contains the story for the insight: "The present moment is the only reality," titled, "It's All Here, Now."

Reading time: 2 minutes



"The present moment is the only reality"

I have known for awhile that time is not only as we perceive it.  I once saw time as a spiral and realized that we are simply positioned on the spiral, so we think we are moving linearly, but really it is all there, all at once, always.  While on the plane today, I realized this again, but in a different way.  We were flying toward the sunset, creating what felt like the longest dusk.  It hit me that, at all times, it is both day and night on our planet.  And it is all there at once, though we experience day and night from our one position so it feels like only one is true.

So many teachings attributed to the Buddha say that the present moment is the only truth; everything else exists only in our mind.  The past does not exist now, nor does the future.  But just think how much time we spend dwelling on the past or thinking about the future.  Does this bring more happiness, or more suffering?  Do you feel happier when you are attending to the present, or when your mind is in the past/future?

I suppose I don't have a precise story for this point, but know this: focusing on the little, beautiful things about the present unlocks a level of fulfillment so lovely and worthwhile.  Not that this is easy, but making efforts toward present living connects us with true reality.  What could be better? 



✅ 1. J hunchha ramro ko lagi hunchha (All that will be, will be for good)
✅ 2. Nothing is in our control except for how we respond
✅ 3. Plans are illusory - and can cloud your vision
✅ 4. The present moment is the only reality
5. Our minds create our lives
6. Everything and everyone are connected in more ways than we can ever understand
7. Compassion is the key to happiness
8. If we were in other people's shoes, we would be doing exactly what they are, because then we would be them
9. Everyone and everything are impermanent
10. True joy comes from inner wisdom, not from following what you think others want you to do
11. Whatever we go through is not personal, not permanent, and has good in it
12. Enjoy the present.  It is all that we have.

Stay tuned for the stories that accompany each of these in the coming weeks.

So much love, from home.


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