Thursday, February 6, 2020

Update: Where Have I Been?

Some may have noticed that three months ago, I dropped off the face of the internet-world.  I said goodbye to Thailand, and then I embraced radio silence.  Now, I am ready and excited to start sharing what I’ve been up to since my year in Thailand came to a close.  Wonder where I’ve been?...

Reading time: 1 minute

I have been in NEPAL!

(Look closely among the clouds in the above photo to see a plane’s-eye view of the Himalayas.)

I came to Nepal in November for a one month course on Tibetan Buddhism at a monastery in Kathmandu.  I love it so much here that I have remained in the country ever since, and I am extending my visa to stay for an indefinite amount of time more.  The three months thus far have looked like this:

• 7 weeks living in a Tibetan Buddhist monastery studying and practicing Buddhism
• 3 weeks in central Nepal, including an 8 day trek through the Himalayas
• 12 days in an intensive Vipassana meditation retreat outside Kathmandu

It has been a time of abundant learning and tremendous personal development.  I will be releasing posts detailing the chapters of my Nepal journey in the near future, but for now, here are a few photos that represent my time here well.


Stay tuned for more posts about my adventures in Nepal!!  I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoy writing them.  Sending so much love to you, wherever you are in the world.  XO from Nepal!


  1. Roxi- you are a star!!! Dylan & I are missing you but so so happy for you!! 🌟🌟 keep shinning bright 💛

  2. Roxi, I am so happy you found your peace. You are an incredible woman. Sending you love.
